Feature of ARCHISHIPSアーキシップスの特徴

Luxury with design and function

The feature of ARCHISHIPS is
the fusion of design and function.
We create a comfortable home
with high insulation performance and
sophiscated beauty with senses of Kyoto.

  1. 01High insulation ?
  2. 02Environment dedication
  3. 03Residents health
  4. 04Design create beauty

01High insulation ?

In Japan, which is located in the tenprated zone,
it has long been said that
a well ventilation house is good.
However winter in Japan is like a cold region
so well ventilated house was inappropriate solution.

Recentry the demand for high insulation house
is increasing in Japan as well as in Europe.

02Environment dedication

As in known,the world is facing envilonmental issue
and many solutions have bigun around the world
to stop gloval warming.
The Japanese govermment has made some rules
to reduce energy, and homebuilders also
need to follow those rules.

The high insulation house are low energy houses
that help reduce energy.

03Residents health,home health

The high insulance technology promote
the health of residents and buildings.
Especialy in winter there were many accidents
caused by indoor tenperature diffrence.

The high insulation house reduce problems and
cereate a better indoor environment.
It's also suitable for building.

04Design create beauty in function

The high insulated houses have many advantages,
However the fact that fewer windows are better
sometimes make it diffcult to create
comfortable house.

Design make it possible.
Luxury with design and function comes to in your life.